Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Public Law, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

2 Associate professor Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


The constitution is in fact the foundation of a country and the basic fundamental basis for regulating and controlling the relations between government organizations and government relations with the people and the people with each other within the framework of conventional political culture. Regarding any constitution, two basic components are decisive important: One is the unchangeable principles of the constitution, which are mainly related to the structure of the national government, the political regime and the fundamental rights of the citizens, ; and the other is the revision of the constitution according to the variable needs of different generations. There is no doubt that the first component, i.e. immutable laws can violate the second component, which includes some principles of fundamental rights, such as the right to self-determination but in this research, after considering various aspects of the first component, it is concluded that the validity and continuity of these principles will strengthen, maintain and consolidate democracy and protect the rights of citizens.
